Recycled Paper Seedling Pots
July 26, 2017

Recycled Seedling Paper Pots
Its easy to forget that making paper consumes trees and energy. These recycled paper-pots are not only fun to make, but they give new life to old catalogues and newspapers - reducing waste and helping the earth Raise a seed in your new eco-pot, then, when its time, plant the seedling pot and all in the garden no need to worry because the pots biodegradable and will break down quickly in the soil.

Suitable for kids aged 5+ with parental supervisionCAUTIONThis experiment requires the use of hot water.
You Need:
- Cup, yoghurt container or bowl to mould your pot
- Newspaper, or other scrap, used un-wanted paper
- Large bowl or container to hold soaked paper
- Fine sieve
- Potato masher, or mortar and pestle
- Hot water
- Potting mix and seeds
What to do:
- Tear scrap paper into very small pieces and soak in hot water for at least 3 hours. The longer the better, ideally leave the paper to soak overnight.
- Pour off excess water and mash up the paper with a potato masher, or a mortar and pestle - even a metal spoon if you dont have anything else. You want a pulpy, liquid consistency.
- Fill your pot-mould (cup or container) with the pulped-liquid paper using a spoon.
- Tip the pulped-paper out of the mould and into a sieve. Press as much water out of the paper-mush as possible.
- Put the drained paper back into the pot-mould, and use your fingers to press the paper into the sides of the mould and hollow out the centre. Youre making the shape of your final pot.
- Place the mould on a window sill or other sunny place so your paper pot can dry. It about a week youll have a finished paper seedling pot.
- Fill the pot with potting mix and plant some seeds. In time, plant your seedling and pot in the garden. The post will eventually decompose.

Why is it so?
What else can you make out of recycled paper? Its a fun, environmentally friendly craft material. Did you know? More than 1 billion tress are cut down each year just to make disposable diapers! So recycling efforts count.