Mums and Science Competition: 

This week we a launching a new ‘Mums and Science’ competition. We have a beautiful prize pack that you can win in time for Mother’s Day that includes:

A Sunprint Kit – make your own beautiful prints of leaves, flowers or anything else you like,

A Sand Art frame, filled with beautiful, ever-changing blue sand,

And a Caffeine Mug to show your love of coffee and Science!

How To Win

Simply send us your completed entry with your nameageemail and postal address before the competition end date, and you will be in with a chance to win!

What we judge to be the best entries will win the competition prize. 


For your chance to win, just tell us a scientific fact about your mum. It might be the science behind a physical feature or condition of hers, or it might be something scientific your mum has done, or studied, or even something she remembers studying in science at school.

Send us your entry by email or snail mail.
Enter our Science Competitions Now
Or send entries via snail mail to:
Mad About Science Competitions,
1A/981 Mountain Highway
Boronia, VIC, 3155

Competition Dates

CLOSED: Congratulations Lily Richard of North Bondi. You are our amazing science mum!

Terms and Conditions of Entry

1. By entering this competition you agree to the terms and conditions listed here. 2. All entries must include name, email, postal address and age of entrant. 3. Entries are judged on merit alone and not by chance. 4. All entries will become the property of Mad About Science and will not be returned. 5. Entering the competition assigns copyright to Mad About Science. 6. Age will be taken into consideration when judging. 7. All decisions on winners are final. 8. Winners will be notified by post or email, and will be published on this Mad About Science competition page. 9. Mad About Science will not be liable for any damage or loss suffered in connection with any of the prizes. 10. Any change in the value of the prize between the publishing date and the delivery date is not the responsibility of Mad About Science. 11. In the case the prizes become unavailable after the publishing date, Mad About Science will send an alternative prize. 12. The closing date for compeitions are listed in the competition description. 13. Competition entries must be the entrant's own work. 14. It is the responsibility of the entrant to ensure copyright of their entry is not assigned elswhere. 15. Winners should allow four weeks for prize delivery. 16. Your personal details will not be shared with anyone. 17. Entry is restricted to Australian residents only.